Thursday, May 21, 2015

Gelato al Cioccolato (Includes the Extended Recipe!)

       Pictured is actually, ‘Gelato Espresso con Cioccolato.’ This last summer my brother, Nick Woods, and his girlfriend, Maria Enomoto, churned it fatta in cassa (Italian for made at home). Nick, who is currently studying neuroscience, and loves any science project, has recently taken to learning the art of coffee roasting. I have observed that this is quite an exact process as he measures by the ounce, considers the degree of coloring, and calculates the timing of the cracks. As for the ice cream making, I think we all realized that it is a real labor of love. The whole event took consistent churning, and at about every half hour for eight hours, Nick and Maria mixed it over ice in the bowl seen at the back of the photo. It was a wholesome experiment and they truly worked off the calories. (Also, an old, German burr coffee grinder is pictured at the back right!)
       Since then, I have tried to make, ‘Gelato al Cioccolato,’ in an ice-cream maker (I love the espresso’s taste, but refrained from using the beans because all coffees do raise your blood pressure). The modern process with the machine did involve some timely preparation, but turned out to be a lot easier! Regardless, in making the gelato, I found that it's quite the special treat. I reduced the fat and salt content as much as I could, but the dessert does require milk and cream for a reason. After these experiments, I’d say, it is important to sometimes celebrate with projects that take a little longer, and to use the finest ingredients you have in them, of course, all for the LORD!
       In the Old Testament, especially in Leviticus, Exodus and Numbers, there are many accounts of people worshiping God with the finest things they have. It is healthy to note that all the senses are involved, because sometimes we think that worshiping God can only be through singing. Singing is an amazing form of worship, as seen throughout Scripture (especially in the Psalms), but God would probably love for us to learn more about Him and come closer to Him through other methods too! That is a reason to worship: to become closer to Him! For, He doesn’t need worship Himself, but worship should be a fun expression of thanks for the glorious riches that He has bestowed on us. The greatest of these being life, accomplished through His Son’s sacrifice and victory on the cross! Hallelujah! In Exodus, the LORD God gave regulations to Moses on all types of worship. Some of these included: how to make the ark, which held the Ten Commandments; some were for the finely selected incense; some were for the special and delicious meals to eat. God wants each sense to be involved to show that He alone is Holy and Worthy, and that He makes things for our good and enjoyment! Consider the regulations for the priestly garments, one being for a vest called an ephod. The fine materials helped the people to remember the Holiness and beauty that the LORD brings in life, specifically through any physical beauty (which is truly a blessing; and the vest was not the focus, but it pointed to the LORD, who is)! As instructed by the LORD, “They made the ephod of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen. They hammered out thin sheets of gold and cut strands to be worked into the blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen - the work of a skilled craftsman. They made shoulder pieces for the ephod, which were attached to two of its corners, so it could be fastened. Its skilfully woven waistband was like it - of one piece with the ephod and made with gold, and with blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and with finely twisted linen, as the LORD commanded Moses. They mounted the onyx stones in gold filigree settings and engraved them like a seal with the names of the sons of Israel. Then they fastened them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod as memorial stones for the sons of Israel, as the LORD commanded Moses” (Exodus 39:2-7). Think about how the gold, blue, purple and scarlet yarn would stand out against the natural canvas of the tents and the dessert floor. The LORD showed He was Holy in just this way, but of course in many other miracles and everyday beauty as well! When we worship God, let’s use all the senses He gave us, and give the best for Him. Whether it be cooking, painting, gardening, encouraging, writing, reading, or listening, as long as it’s for Him, it can be worship! (Col 3:23) 

   This is a specialty recipe. For a normal length recipe, see below, and also look at cooking in the 'labels' column! God Bless you!      

     To make the gelato (Italian for frozen) treat, start by deciding to either get an ice cream maker or churn it by hand. The machine that I purchased was very efficient, had a great design, and was about $60. (If you are planning on making ice cream often, it would definitely be a smart investment to get one!) With an ice-cream maker, start by freezing the bowl portion the night before. The process might differ based on the specific machine you have, but that was the case with mine. The next day, combine the milk, cream and 1/2 of the sugar. If you are using nonfat milk, it will still work out great, just heat it a little longer in the second step. Then, you can enunciate the flavors by simmering in a saucepan (this is especially helpful when making vanilla or nut ice creams). Cook over high heat. As soon as you start to see the first little air bubbles arising to the top, take it off the heat and set it aside to cool. In a recipe that included this tip, it also said to have a side of milk at hand. By doing so, you can quickly cool any preparations that you think become overly hot. (In fact, this is the recipe that inspired my gelato making the most, and you should check out the cook’s tremendous blog. He lived in Italy for some time, so has great advice on authentic Italian cuisine and culture.ta)
     While the sugar and milk mixture is cooling, begin to whip the eggs until thickened. Once it has cooled to room temperature, add to the eggs. Mix completely together, then transfer back into the saucepan. Now, you’ll heat it all up to cook the eggs and thicken the cream. This second step of the process requires the most patience (you’ll also want to add the cocoa powder now). Stirring the whole time, slowly increase the temperature from ‘low’ to ‘medium’ to ‘high’ over 17 minutes! I know this takes a while, but it is very authentic. (Note that it does take less time if you added milk with more fat, or more cream, and if more cream, then less milk to average out the balance of cream and milk). I know you can do it! Plus, it’s worth it. While you are stirring, you can think of all the wonderful things God has given you over the years, especially in Jesus Christ, who has given you life!!! I’ll also include a helpful, little anecdote for you to ponder. When I first made this gelato, I thought that the mixture was not thickening enough (it needs to be, by the way, like a thin soupy milk. When it’s ready, take off the heat, and you’ll read below what to do next). Anyway, I was heating for 20 minutes, then 30 minutes, all the way to 45 minutes! I finally thought, “Ahah, it’s ready,” because it was so thick, and I was so tired. However, it was actually too thick! What I had made instead was pudding. I know, right? So, here is a bonus recipe for you. When you cook it like this for about 45 minutes, you’ll get the most authentic, rich and low-calorie pudding ever! I would recommend eating it with some berries. Praise God for using all things for His good! (Romans 8:28)
     Back to the gelato though. When it is soupy, like a thin soupy milk, take it off the heat right away and put into the fridge (the idea is to thicken it a little). Refrigerate it for at least 1-2 hours, stirring periodically to prevent a skim from forming. By refrigerating, when you put it back into the ice-cream maker, or use the hand-stirring method, it starts closer to the freezing point and more easily becomes creamy.
     After the hour has passed, the fun part begins. If you are using the hand method, begin to stir at every half hour for up to eight hours (sometimes less), until it looks like frozen yogurt. This is what you’ll go for. Make sure that it is over an ice-bath and try dry ice to keep the temperature very low (remember to use gloves and caution while handling dry ice!) If you are using an ice-cream maker instead, take the unit out of the freezer and follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to proceed. With mine, you just switch-on the unit and pour the mixture in. After about 20 minutes the texture thickens all the way to a frozen-yogurt-like consistency. Now, you can fold in the crushed chocolate bar, berries or other fruits and eat it as is, or, to make it ‘gelatoized,’ place it in the freezer for at least another 2 hours. Thaw about 20 minutes before serving and the result will be a thick and creamy gelato! I’d of course recommend serve it with some blueberries, raspberries and blackberries, but I’ll leave that to you. Enjoy experimenting with the fine ingredients God has given you, and use it as worship for Him. It is right to give thanks to God! He deserves it!
     For more on worship, look at ‘Shrimp and Clams,’ pg. 94, and footnote 56; listen to the teachings from Door of Hope to follow; and most importantly, read in the Bible! By reading more verses, we can see that God alone is worthy of worship! In His goodness He doesn’t need it, but it is so nice, fitting and fun to give Him thanks! He is our LORD and friend; let’s read some and thank Him! Psalm 33:1 declares, “Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise him.” Psalm 147:1 rejoices, “Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!”

2 ½ cups milk

1/3 cup heavy cream

¾ cup sugar

3 egg yolks

½ cup unsweetened, unsalted cocoa powder

1 fine, crumbled dark chocolate bar

♥   Footnotes

- White, Josh, narr. “What Is Worship?” Spirit & Truth. Door of Hope, under God’s direction, Portland, 16 Aug. 2011. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. <>.
- White, Josh, narr. “Why Should We Sing” Spirit & Truth. Door of Hope, under God’s direction, Portland, 16 Aug. 2011. Web. 1 Dec. 2011.<>.
a. Fariello, Jr., Frank. Memorie di Angelina. Blogspot, July 2010. google. Web. 1 Dec. 2011. <>.

♥   Praise the Lord! 'He Art cooking' the cookbook is done! Here is a sneak peak of what you can order (if you please, order here!). God Bless your cooking and enjoy the recipes (Scripture) from the LORD as well!