Tuesday, November 27, 2012

God is in love with you

Praise You God for You Love
me forever
Your LOVE is unending 
and it sets me free (jubilant and clapping! Praise the LORD!!!!!!!)
Praise You God for You Are
the Good Shepherd
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies

Amazing, Righteous One
You Are the Holy One
Forever Forgiving
You have set me free
You give me everything I need
in You and You alone
You Are Freedom, Victory and Peace!

Rejoice in His truth
Rejoice in His Peace

Rejoice for He is here
God is in love with you

Verse 2:
Praise You God for You Are
my Beloved
Your amazing face
always fills me Daddy
Praise You God for You Are
the Greatest Teacher
and You Are here
loving me!

Amazing, Righteous One
You Are the Holy One
Forever Forgiving
You have set me free
You give me everything I need
in You and You alone
You Are Freedom, Victory and Peace!

Rejoice in His truth
Rejoice in His Peace

Rejoice for He is here
God is in love with you

Praise God for His song!!!! Seriously, I just write down what He says to me! They are from Him! Praise Him!