Monday, November 26, 2012

You Rain Your Glory

God, You rain your Glory over all the earth
it does not return to You empty
but You make it bud and flourish
and all who pass by will see
You LORD, and praise the works of Your Hands
for You give us Your beauty and honor to our lives
we give you the Glory

For You Are our God
For You Are our God
For You Are our God
Forever and ever!

Every tree and plant will one day bow down to You
and clap their hands
For You Are God
And You rain Your Glory
One day every knee will bow down and confess
'Jesus is LORD!'   (from Romans 10:9)
For You Are God

For You Are our God
For You Are our God
For You Are our God
Forever and ever!

God, You rain your Glory over all the earth
it does not return to You empty
but You make it bud and flourish
and all who pass by will see 
You LORD, and praise the works of Your Hands
for You give us Your beauty
and honor to our lives
we give you the Glory

For You Are our God
For You Are our God
For You Are our God
Forever and ever!

(on the third time, another group or person can sing this, at the same time as the above part! Hallelujah!)
You have the Glory
You have the Glory
You have the Glory
You Are God
You have the Glory
You have the Glory
You have the Glory
You Are our God

(and then another group or person can sing this at the same time! Praise the LORD!!!)

Every tree and plant will one day bow down to You
and clap their hands
For You Are God
And You rain Your Glory
One day every knee will bow down and confess
'Jesus is LORD!'   (from Romans 10:9)
For You Are God 
Ya God!


Praise God for His song!!! Seriously, I just write down what He says to me! They are from Him! Praise Him! And Praise God for raining His glory on all of us, and pouring our His love into our lives every moment!!!!!!!

But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.   Matthew 5:44-45

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.   Romans 5:5