Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Worship: from the He Art cookbook Index

Worship:   (See the first commandment: Exd 20:3) Worship is so cool! We get to thank God for what He has done! And many things can be done in thanks to God! We usually sing when we go to Church and this is beautiful, but there are other senses aside from hearing. If you are gardening, then garden for Him! You can say thanks for all of the wonderful plants and foods He has given us. They are so strong and yet delicate (Romans 8:1). Or, if you are a teacher, then teach for Him! Jesus loves how children receive Him with joy and are not weighed down by the weight of the world. They just trust (Matthew 19:14; Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16). There is so much that He has for us! Let’s worship Him!
       Also, let’s remember God deserves our worship! He is God and He is good. He loves us so much and has done so much for us! He is perfect. He even sent His Son to die for us so that we could be set free from sin and separation from right relationship. All we have to do is receive Him by having faith in Him! This is amazing! He is amazing. I’d say that worship, then, is partially there to realize how good He is! It’s fun, an honor, and fitting to praise Him (Psalm 147:1). It is yet another gift that God gives us! Let’s talk to Him and tell Him thanks!
       In Leviticus, Exodus and Numbers, there are many accounts of God telling His people how to worship. The heart of these messages apply to us today. All of the senses are involved. There is woodcarving, building, sewing, tent-making, incense-burning, food-preparation, singing, dancing, talking with Him; everything and anything. God shows us that He deserves the best and we get to hang out with Him, our God!!! Wow, Praise God! (Plus, a beautiful side note is that after writing this section, God really put it on my heart to learn more about worship. Well, guess what the new series was on at Door of Hope just the past few weeks? Worship! God is good!!! You can hear the inspired teachings at:
category/spirit-truth.htmlSee also 41, 137, and Matthew 22:37-40!).

♥   Praise the Lord! 'He Art cooking' the cookbook is done! Here is a sneak peak of what you can order (if you please, order here!). God Bless your cooking and enjoy the recipes (Scripture) from the LORD as well!